Dojo Bulletins

48th Annual Washington State International Championships

May 15th, 2016.  Edmonds CC.

More Information

Online Registration

Starting Karate

Schedule a free trial lesson & orientation.

(425) 641-8123

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Discover Karate for:

  • Discipline
  • Mental focus
  • Physical fitness
  • Self-defense
  • Child development
WKA kata team wins bronze medal at world karate championships

A Committment to Individual Excellence

The WKA Bellevue dojo is committed to the individual excellence of our students - in self-defense, sport, education, and careers.

We are part of the Washington Karate Association (WKA), which is one of the most respected Karate schools in the United States. Since its founding in 1966, more accolades have been awarded to WKA Instructors, Athletes and Students representing the sport than any other school in the United States.

The WKA is represented by thousands of excellent students, professionals, and community leaders whose Karate experience has been an integral part of their lifelong successes.

The WKA is a member of the International Hayashi-Ha Shito-Ryu Karate-Do Federation.

Watch a video of WKA athlete competing for the USA Karate team Click to play the highlights video

Sensei Says

Learn the proper way to care for your gi.

This shows respect for your karate training and presents a proper image to others.

Gi care and wearing instructions.


"Seven times down, eight times up."

Japanese kanji symbol for karate

Karate teaches us to keep trying. After a failure, we can achieve success through perseverance.