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Glossary of Karate Terminology
- Dojo: school, training place
- Karate: "empty hand"
- Karate-do: the way of empty hand
- Sensei: Teacher
- Sempai: senior (higher rank or position)
- Kohai: junior (lower rank or position)
- Dohai: peer, equal (same rank or position)
- Obi: belt
- Gi: karate uniform
- Seiretsu: Line up
- Kiotsuke : Attention
- Rei: bow
- Mokuso: Mediation, reflection
- Mokuso Yame: Stop the meditation, reflection
- Kokki Ni Mukkatte, Rei : Respect to the flag
- Sensei, onegaishimasu, rei: Teacher, please
train us, bow
- Yame: Stop
- Naotte: at ease
- Mawatte: Turn around
- Yoi: preparation, ready
- Kime: focus
- Kihon: fundamentals, basics
- Yasume: rest, at ease
- Seiza: kneel down
- Kiai: yell, expression of breath control
- Karate-ka: Karate student, practitioner
- Keiko: practice
- Otagai- ni-Rei: To each other, bow
- Ossu: an expression of respect, "push
- Hajime: Begin
- Sun-Dome: arresting a technique
- Tai-Sabaki: switching a stance
- Tekubi: wrist
- Ude: arm
- Uke Gae: changing blocks
- Uraken: Back fist
- Uraken uchi: back fist strike
- Ura Zuki: close punch
- Yori Ashi: sliding of the feet
- Zanshin: final finish
- Ashi: foot or leg
- Choku Zuki: Straight punch
- Chudan : middle level
- Chudan Barai: Mid level block
- Chudan uchi: mid level strike
- Chudan Zuki: mid level Punch
- Dan: black belt ranking ("man")
- Enpi: or sometimes "Empi",
- Enpi Mae Uchi: Elbow strike to the front
- Enpi Uchi: Elbow strike
- Gedan: Lower degree, level
- Hidari: Left
- Hidari Naname-Mae: Technique executed toward
the forward left direction
- Hidari ashi mae: Left foot forward
- Hitai: Forehead
- Hiza Age-Ate: Rising Knee Strike
- Ikken Hissatsu: To kill with one blow
- Jiku Ashi: pivot Leg
- Jodan: upper level
- Jotai: upper Body
- Juji Uke: x block
- Kagi Zuki: Hook punch
- Kamae: Posture
- Ken: fist
- Kentsui: Hammer Fist
- Kiai: sharp yell with focus
- Koshi: hip, side
- Kumite: sparring
- Kyu: colored belt ranking
- Mae: front
- Migi: right
- Migi ashi mae: Right foot forward
- Mune: chest
- Nukite: spear hand
- Oi Zuki: lunge punch, moving straight punch
- Ren Zuki: alternate punching
- Shihon Nukite: four finger spear hand
- Sho: Palm
- Shomen:Front
- Shuto: Sword hand
- Shuto Mawashi Uchi: Roundhouse Sword Hand
- Suigetsu: Solar Plexus, chest
- Tatte: stand up
- Ushiro: behind/back
- Kata: Form (a pre-arranged pattern of defensive
and offensive techniques against multiple imaginary opponents)
Kazu: Counting
Counting/Kazu is usually done in increments of ten for
exercises and drills:
- Ichi: one
- Ni: two
- San: three
- Shi (yon): four
- Go: five
- Roku: six
- Shichi: seven
- Hachi: eight
- Kyu:nine
- Jyu: ten
- Jyu Ichi: eleven, 11
- Ni Jyu: twenty, 20
- Ni Jyu Ichi: twenty one, 21
- Hyaku: one hundred, 100
Dan Rankings
- Shodan: first degree
- Shodan-ho: probationary status of first degree
rank of black belt
- Nidan: Second degree
- Sandan: Third degree
- Yondan: Fourth degree
- Godan: Fifth degree
Types of Kumite
- Shiai Kumite: competition sparring or tournament
- Jiyu Kumite (sometimes Jyu or Jiiyu):
free sparring
- Ippon kumite: one step sparring
- Sanbon kumite: three step sparring